Elaborate CV Template

April 17, 2023 0 Comments

This is a more elaborate CV template for people who have been in the job market for a while.

Please replace all tags in the elaborate CV template, e.g. [address] with your own information:

[your name]
[city , state/province, zip code/postal code, country]
[phone number]
[e-mail address]


[One sentence or two on your career plans and objectives]

EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: (starting with the current or most recent job)

[Dates (e.g. May 2003 to Present)
Company Name, Location, Type of Business
Job Title, Brief description of position and duties]

[Dates (e.g. Oct 1999 to Apr 2003)
Company Name, Location, Type of Business
Job Title, Brief description of position and duties, etc.]


[In this area, list your technical skills or training. For example, programming languages, the software you are proficient with, foreign languages spoken, etc.]


[Date(s), Institution Name, Faculty, Location
Degree in Subject, Year Graduated
Information about thesis/dissertation, major courses, etc.]

References available upon request.

Check the spelling and grammar of your elaborate CV. Use the word processor’s spell and grammar checker. If you are not confident of your ability to detect grammatical, punctuation and usage errors in English or other language or if you need help in organizing your CV or cover letter send it to a professional for assistance.

Remember that your CV must be targeted, scannable and generate hits. If you have difficulty with your CV writing instead of staring at a blank piece of paper, use CV samples and CV templates.

Most recruiters expect to receive a cover letter together with your CV. So, prepare a cover letter convincing the reader why you are the best candidate for the interview using cover letter writing tips.

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