40+ Employee Feedback Statistics and Trends [2025]

November 15, 2023 0 Comments

Craving appreciation for your hard work?

Tired of always being called for mistakes but still having no guidance on areas for improvement?

You are not the only one!

75% of employees think that feedback is important.

Employee Feedback confirms that 98% of employees stopped trying to get better when they received little or no feedback.

Sharing Feedback not only improves employees’ performance but also boosts their morale.

Let’s delve into Employee Feedback Statistics and explore how feedback affects the productivity and engagement of employees:

Top Employee Feedback Statistics: Editor’s Pick

  1. 37% of employees blame lack of personal recognition for feeling unmotivated to work. [1]
  2. 63% of Millennials confirmed they want to get regular constructive Feedback. [2]
  3. Usually, 32% of workers wait more than 3 months to receive performance feedback from managers. [3]
  4. Employees who receive feedback and proved to be disengaged are only 1%, while 40% of those who did not receive feedback are disengaged. [11]
  5. Only 10% of employees stay engaged after receiving negative feedback. [10]
  6. 20% of employees hesitate to share honest reviews with employers. 
  7. 96% of employees want timely feedback. [13]
  8. 41% of employees left their jobs because they felt unheard and their work was insignificant. [10]
  9. 32% of employees wait as long as three months or more to receive constructive feedback. [13]
  10. Employees rated their managers 8.6 when they received appropriate Feedback. [14]
75% of employees believe regular feedback is important

What is the Need for Regular Employee Feedback?

Monitoring employee performance and then curating personalized feedback, seems a lot of work, right?

Are you a manager wondering if the hard work is worth it?

Yes. Recent data suggests regular Employee Feedback is necessary to create a productive work environment and increase profit rates.

Companies that provide timely Feedback witness turnover rates of 14.9% less than the rest. [4]

Companies with appreciation programs report 31% less voluntary turnover. [4]

Employers need impartial Feedback because:

  • It helps in understanding employee experiences.
  • Helps in figuring out loopholes in projects, teams, and systems.
  • Improves productivity and performance.
  • Healthy turnover rates.
  • Improve employee engagement.
  • Employees feel recognized and are encouraged to get better and bring in new ideas.

Despite the fact that 75% of employees who received feedback, felt that the feedback is beneficial, active feedback is received by very few. [13]

Insightful Employee Feedback Statistics 

Check out insightful Employee Feedback Statistics Impacting your Professional Growth:

Impacts of Employee Feedback on Performance

Employees expect timely Feedback to feel motivated to do the work.

feedback improves employee engagement

66% of employees are reported to leave the job if they do not feel appreciated. There is a significant percentage rise, up to 76% in Millennials. [11]

Supportive and constructive feedback also builds good professional relationships among managers and employees. 

85% of employees are motivated to take the initiative and bring in new ideas when they receive Feedback. [10]

Relationship between Employee Feedback and Engagement

Does Employee Feedback affect engagement in the office?

Let’s find out.

Being disengaged means losing interest in a job whereas being actively disengaged refers to searching for a new job.

Employees who receive feedback and proved to be disengaged are only 1%, while 40% of those who did not receive feedback are disengaged. [10]

This clearly indicates the disengagement ratio is more on the Non-Feedback side.

22% of employees receiving negative Feedback are disengaged. Still about half of those who receive no Feedback. [10]

Timely Feedback develops the feeling of work-life fulfillment in 68% of employees. [12]

percentage of actively disengaged employees

Feedback does not only involve motivating workers but also highlighting domains of improvement and proper guidance. This strengthens the engagement between Employer and Employee.

Four out of ten employees who do not receive consistent Feedback are actively disengaged.

Employee Feedback Statistics by Demographics

We have found different statistics for Employee feedback based on generation and gender. 

  • Based on Gender

Feedback Statistics vary for both male and Female employees.

Even in today’s era, women are criticized for their ability to efficiently perform certain tasks. Women are deemed to have received more negative feedback.

  • Based on Generation

The point of view on employee feedback has changed over time. 

Data reveal that 28% of millennials prefer consistent reviews, at least once every four months.

While 44% of Gen X want an annual performance review.

employee feedback statistics based on demographics

Reasons Why Employees Do not Share Feedback

20% of employees don’t want to share feedback with their employees.

Nearly one in every five workers remains silent.

Let’s understand their reasons for resisting Feedback:

% of EmployeesReasons
30.7%Do not have any valuable feedback to share
21%Feel their Feedback is not important enough to share
17.1%Do not trust the confidentiality
12.2%Fear the negative consequences after sharing honest feedback
14.1%Believe their concerns won’t be addressed

How Frequently Is the Feedback Appropriate?

Providing constructive Feedback to the team is not an easy task. 

Also, it is important to maintain a balance. Both too much and too little are not acceptable.

Are you wondering how frequently you should provide Feedback?

60% of employees are reported to desire quick daily feedback and elaborate weekly feedback.

80% of employees look for feedback at the compilation of tasks, rather than an annual or semiannual report.

But they actually get feedback:

Frequency of Employee FeedbackPercentage of Employees
Once a week( at least)28%
A few times a year28%
Once a year (at least)19%

Even 77% of HRs confirm that annual feedback reports do not represent accurate performance. 

This performance ridiculously contains approximately the same feedback.

How Does Employee Feedback Benefit the Company?

Employee Feedback not only helps employees but also benefits the company.

The major benefits of Employee Feedback include high profitability, lower turnover rates, and higher productivity.

  • Companies that receive consistent Feedback from their employees seem to have 21% higher profitability than others with little or no feedback.
  • In Companies that conduct strength-based Feedback, turnover is reduced by 14.9%. [7]
  • Fast Feedback improves employee performance by about four times. [8]

47% of HR leaders mark employee turnover as a big challenge. [6]

Employees who receive consistent Feedback are seen to have high retention rates. They inculcate the feeling of royalty towards the company.

benefits of manager feedback

Managers Need Feedback Too

Does feedback impact your bosses too?

Well, yes! Feedback affects both employees and employers.

For a business to grow it is very crucial that employees provide constructive feedback to their managers. 

Employers get Feedback about their project ideas, strategies, the functionality of the team, and other areas of improvement. 

It results in overall improvement of the company.

Managers who took Feedback witnessed 8.9% higher profitability than those who did not.

Also, their turnover rate was 14.9% lower than the rest.

75% of disengaged workers believe poor relationships with management result in a lack of engagement. [5]

73% of employees confirmed managers need to clarify their goals and weekly, and monthly targets with the employees. [5]

Efficient Ways to Get Timely Feedback

Curious to know the secrets behind good Feedback?

We found that there is no rocket science. 

Just follow a few simple steps and we are good to go!

  1. Be Specific towards your goals.

As they say, “Devil in the Details”. 

Make your feedback detail-oriented. For instance, if you simply state to the employee to improve, also add what and hows.

  1. Be consistent in giving and asking for feedback. 
  1. Include appreciation in feedback.
  1. Provide reasons for the negative feedback.
  1. Try to provide feedback face-to-face instead of mailbox or messages. It builds trust and transparency in the team and management.

Employee Feedback Programs Statistics

Consistent Feedback looks like a lot of work, right? 

Do not worry!! Have a peek at how others are doing it.

Here we have curated Employee Feedback Programs Statistics to save your weekends and late nights from feedback workload.

  • According to 2021 data, 64% of employees believe their company has Employee Feedback Programs. [9]
  • 25% of employees reported their workplace doesn’t have a Feedback program while 12% are not sure. [9]

The most preferred Feedback Program by managers is in-person feedback during team meetings, as stated by 55% of employees. [9]

47% of managers organize semi-annual employee feedback surveys, 36% prefer frequent quick surveys, and 31% ask for feedback in suggestion boxes. [9]

most preferred feedback programs by managers

Employee Feedback Statistics FAQ

How often do employees receive feedback?

Despite the fact that 96% of employees want timely Feedback, only 28% of employees receive constructive feedback once a week, 28% receive feedback a few times in a year, and 19% receive feedback once a year.

According to Employee Feedback Statistics Employees should get feedback at least once a week.

How many employees want consistent feedback?

96% of employees want consistent feedback. While 43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback once a week.

Feedback boosts employees’ morale and inculcates the feeling of worth and recognition among workers.

Employee Feedback Statistics state that employees who receive recognition from management are 69% more likely to perform better.

Have Employee Feedback Statistics improved in 2023?

According to Gallup’s, Global Workplace 2023 report, 23% of employees are engaged at work, this is the highest figure since 2009. The credit goes to better work environments resulting from Employee Feedback Programs.

We still have a great scope for improvement as 1 in 4 workers are still not satisfied.

In 2021, 25% of employees reported their workplace doesn’t have a Feedback program while 12% are not sure. So, employers are still not aware of the benefits of Feedback Programs.


Healthy communication is important for the smooth functioning of a workplace. Feedback plays an important part in maintaining communication among employees and employers.

It is a great medium to maintain productivity and engagement in the company. Feedback boosts employees’ morale and inculcates the feeling of worth and recognition among workers.

Employee Feedback Statistics state that employees who receive recognition from management are 69% more likely to perform better. [10]

Feedback is a two-way game. To promote a better work environment at the office and the company’s profits, managers need to provide as well as receive feedback from employees. 

Companies that receive consistent Feedback from their employees seem to have 21% higher profitability than others with little or no feedback.

In Companies that conduct strength-based Feedback, turnover is reduced by 14.9%. [7]

In conclusion, Employee Feedback Statistics have proved its importance and necessity for the growth of both employees and employers.


  1. Great place to work. Creating a culture of recognition
  2. Pr News Wire. Failure Drives Innovation, According to EY Survey on Gen Z
  3. Officevibe. Employee engagement statistics from across the globe
  4. Builtin. 38 Employee Turnover Statistics to Know
  5. Officevibe. DataReport_EmployeeExperience  
  6. Work Human. Globoforce Survey Reveals Human-Centered Approaches in the Workplace Help Organizations Better Recruit and Retain Employees
  7. Gallup. The Secret of Higher Performance
  8. Gallup. How Fast Feedback Fuels Performance
  9. All Voices. State Of Employee Feedback 2021
  10. HR Daily. How Employee Feedback Impacts Engagement
  11. Forbes. 66% of Employees Would Quit if They Feel Unappreciated.
  12. Culture Partners. Improving Employee Satisfaction Through Positive Accountability.
  13. LinkedIn. 5 Employee Feedback Stats That You Need to See.
  14. Weekdone. “Why Your Employees Need and Want More Feedback.”
