60+ Employee Monitoring Statistics, Facts & Trends Demystified [2025]

January 17, 2024 0 Comments

Curious about the impact of employee monitoring?

Does it affect productivity and efficiency in the workplace?

81% of companies that implemented monitoring software saw an increase in employee productivity

What are forms of monitoring?

61.4% of employers are monitoring the time and attendance of their employees. 

76% of employers reported they track employees’ habits by using web browsing and other software.

Let’s delve into compelling employee monitoring statistics that illuminate the role of workplace surveillance.

Top Employee Monitoring Statistics: Editor’s Pick

every 3 in 4 bosess are monitoring their staff
  1. 60% of companies with remote working employees are using employee monitoring software. [3]
  2. 9% of IT pros admitted that their organization doesn’t monitor their employees at all. [5]
  3. 66% of employers monitor websites visited/ time spent on web surfing. [1]
  4. 43% of electronics and technology companies monitor email and 40% of them even assign an individual to manually read and review email.
  5. 56% of employers monitor to prevent sensitive corporate data from getting leaked/hacked. [19]
  6. The employee monitoring solution market is estimated to rise to $6.84 billion by 2028. [16]
  7. Only 11% of companies do not have a privacy policy in place to inform users of monitoring. [14]

Employee Monitoring Statistics By Industry

Are your employers monitoring you?

Most probably Yes!!

Every 3 in 4 bosses/executives are monitoring their staff. [1]

Of the 69% of small business leaders who monitor their employees, 76% agree to implement at least one employee monitoring tool specifically during the pandemic. [2]

60% of companies with remote working employees are using employee monitoring software to monitor employee productivity and track employee activity. [3]

17% of industries with remote employees are considering the option and planning on it. [3]

59% of companies confirmed they are very or somewhat likely to implement monitoring software in the future. [1]

55% of respondents from the tech industry reported that their companies have not adopted any new software for remote employee monitoring after Covid. [4]

9% of IT pros admitted that their organization doesn’t monitor their employees at all. [5]

employee monitoring software statistics by industry

Here we have reviewed the use of monitoring software in various industries:

  • Employee monitoring software is mostly used in the Advertising and Marketing industry (83%). [3]
  • The next in line is Computer and Information Technology, with 77% of organizations using employee monitoring software. [3]
  • 71% of the Construction industry uses software to track their employee performance. [3]
  • Retail and Healthcare industries have the lowest monitoring statistics with 42% and 46% respectively. [3]

What do Companies Usually Monitor?

Is your time being tracked?

61.4% of employers are monitoring the time and attendance of their employees. [7]

What else does an employer monitor?

24% of employees reported their staff devices are being monitored and 14% reported monitoring phone calls. [6]

76% of employers reported they track employees’ habits by using web browsing and other software. [6]

43% of electronics and technology companies monitor email and 40% of them even assign an individual to manually read and review email. [8]

Following are some common forms of monitoring:

Forms of MonitoringPercentage of Companies
Monitoring Time & Attendance61.4%
Work Email40.5%
Physical Location32.9%
Network Access28.9%
Keystrokes and time spent on the keyboard45%
Storing & reviewing computer files43%
Monitoring social networking sites10%

According to ExpressVPN Survey, 66% of employers monitor websites visited/ time spent on web surfing. [1]

When IT pros were asked what their companies monitor, they replied

  • 55% monitor employee emails [5]
  • 51% monitor online browsing behavior 
  • 29% monitor media streaming and file transfers 
  • 24% monitor application usage
  • 22% keep an eye on instant messages
  • 21% track phone calls and voicemails
  • 19% watch social media activity
  • 3% actively monitor SMS text messages
what do employers usually monitor

Benefits of Employee Monitoring Statistics: Why Do Employers Monitor Employees?

The top reason why employers monitor employees is to evaluate how employees are using their working hours. [3]

79% of employers agreed to be concerned about employees’ time during work. [3]

65% of employers want to confirm if their employees are working full day. [3]

50% of employers are concerned about their employees using work equipment for personal use. [3]

Employers protect sensitive company data by monitoring networks. It has been recorded that a manageable degree of ‘cyberloafing’ can help increase productivity.

81% of companies that implemented monitoring software saw an increase in employee productivity. [3]

Employee time tracking helps in project management and verification.

Top Reasons for Employee Monitoring in Corporate Networks

  • 78% of employers monitor their employees to protect against malware and phishing scams. [19]
  • 68% of employers monitor to prevent unacceptable user behavior. [19]
  • 67% of employers monitor to prevent users from visiting inappropriate websites.
  • 61% of employees are monitored to avoid legal issues and comply with regulations.
  • 56% of employers monitor to prevent sensitive corporate data from getting leaked/hacked. [19]
  • About 48% of employers are monitoring their employees to protect customerspersonally identifiable information.

Modern Employee Tracking Techniques

Which tracking techniques are companies using?

49% of employees said their employers are not using monitoring software for tracking work.

Some popular monitoring tools used by employers include

Monitoring ToolsPercentage of Employers
Software that captures random screenshots60%
Software that blocks specific content/ apps54%
Software that logs keystrokes44%

20% of firms confirmed they plan to implement online software to track remote employees. [9]

More than 50% of the organizations were using some kind of nontraditional monitoring techniques in 2018 which is a 30% increase from 2015. [10]

Employees’ Concerns About Monitoring Statistics

What is the employees’ pov on monitoring? 

Are they fine with being tracked? Or are they concerned?

How much monitoring is okay before it hinders employee privacy?

8 in 10 employees feel there is a legal requirement to consult before introducing monitoring. [6]

93% of monitoring software/devices have access to sensitive data. [11]

According to an insider threat report, 68% of respondents feel vulnerable to insider attacks and affirm that such attacks have become more frequent due to monitoring. [12]

46% of employers terminated workers after they implemented monitoring software. [1]

When employees were asked if they think their companies would violate privacy laws to monitor their work, 60% believed their employers would respect their privacy. [13]

14% of respondents think their employers would break privacy laws to monitor employees. 

do you think your employer would violate privacy laws for monitoring

How Employee Monitoring Changed Over Time?

Digital employee monitoring has increased significantly during the pandemic.

Only 45% of companies electronically monitored employees in 1999. [17]

There has been a 166% increment in companies that monitor their employees between 1015 and 2020. [18]

The global employee monitoring software market is worth $1.12 billion as of 2021. [18]

The employee monitoring software market is expected to have a CAGR of 21.1% through 2026. [18]

The employee monitoring solution market is estimated to rise to $6.84 billion by 2028. [16]

the employee monitoring software market is expected to have a CAGR of 21.1%

The global remote employee monitoring software market is forecasted to reach $1396.2 million by 2027. [17]

86% of companies using monitoring software have informed their employees about it and 14% have not. [3]

80% of companies maintain a privacy policy that informs users they could be monitored while using corporate networks, devices, and services. [5]

Only 11% of companies do not have a privacy policy to inform users of monitoring. [14]

Over 80% of employers elaborate their monitoring practices and forms to employees. [14]

72% of workers said their productivity is not affected by their company using monitoring software. [15]


A level of employee tracking has been legalized worldwide, but specific laws are different for every nation. 

In the US it comes under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and The California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act of 2020 (CPRA) which regulate an employer’s right to monitor their employees.

Do employers need to inform employees about monitoring?

Employers must inform their employees about tracking and monitoring. There is also a provision for signing a privacy policy with workers. 

How many employees know about being monitored by their employers?

86% of companies using monitoring software have informed their employees about it and 14% have not.

What are employee privacy policy statistics about monitoring?

80% of companies maintain a privacy policy that informs users they could be monitored while using corporate networks, devices, and services. Only 11% of companies do not have a privacy policy to inform users of monitoring.


Employee monitoring has been proven effective in tracking employees‘ time, improving workplace productivity, and protecting the company’s sensitive data against insider threats. The employee monitoring solution market is estimated to reach $6.84 billion by 2028. 

It is crucial to inform workers about being tracked and monitored. When employees were asked if they think their companies would violate privacy laws to monitor their work, 60% believed their employers would respect their privacy

As 14% of respondents think their employers would break privacy laws to monitor employees, employers need to work on ensuring their employees’ privacy. 


  1. ExpressVPN. 78% of employers engage in remote work surveillance, ExpressVPN survey finds
  2. GetApp. Small Businesses Are Investing More in Employee Monitoring—With Underwhelming Results
  3. Digital.com. 60% of Employers Require Monitoring Software for WFH Workers
  4. Statista. Is your company using new software to monitor remote employee performance?
  5. Spiceworks. Workplace Surveillance Data Snapshot: How much and what does IT monitor?
  6. Trades Union Congress. Intrusive worker surveillance tech risks “spiraling out of control” without stronger regulation, TUC warns
  7. Social Science Research Council. Workers’ Attitudes toward Increased Surveillance during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic
  8. AMA. 2007 Electronic Monitoring & Surveillance Survey
  9. Skillcast. Remote-working Compliance YouGov Survey
  10. Gartner. The Future of Employee Monitoring
  11.  Crowd Research Partners. Insider Threat 2018 Report
  12. Cybersecurity Insiders. 2020 Insider Threat Report
  13. Capterra. Canada Workplace Surveillance Survey
  14. Researchgate. Electronic Monitoring: The Employee’s Point of View
  15. Clutch. co. How to Monitor Employee Performance
  16. Market Research Future. Employee Monitoring Solution Market Size
  17. GlobeNewsWire. Employee Remote Monitoring Software Market to Reach USD 1,396.2 Million By 2027 | Reports and Data
  18. LinkedIn. How Covid-19 has Accelerated the Use of Employee Monitoring
  19. The Washington Post. Your boss can monitor your activities without special software