Field Office Director MTQ Resume Sample

April 17, 2023 0 Comments

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US Department of Energy

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Position: Director, Aberdeen Field Office, ES-0340-06
Announcement Number: 02-ES-003


FirstName LastName
SS#: 999-99-9999
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1. Experience in the federal budget process, procedures, requirements and the provisions of the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act.

As Director, Atlanta Regional Office (ARO), I am responsible for the formulation and execution of an annual program direction budget in excess of $2 million and a program budget in excess of $30 million. As a director, I work in a collaborative manner with the other regional office directors to formulate and allocate the program direction budget for all regional offices. I have been an integral part of organizational summits designed to formulate an annual budget for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

As Chief, Management Evaluation Branch, I was primarily responsible for designing and implementing a viable Internal Control Program (Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act) at the Savannah River Operations office. This included site responsibility for Internal Control Reviews and the Annual Assurance Memorandum, and the establishment and oversight of the Management and Operating (M&O) contractor’s internal oversight function. I conducted a periodic appraisal of the function, as well as day-to-day coordination. I have worked on task groups, at the request of the Department of Energy Headquarters, which addressed significant Internal Control Program (Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act) policy issues that had an impact throughout the Department.

My experience with the Naval Audit Service provided an opportunity to obtain a complete knowledge of various financial management systems, in which I evaluated the controls, strengths, and weaknesses of these systems while interpreting the Comptroller General, Office of Management and Budget, and Navy instructions and regulations. I have evaluated financial management systems at various organizations to ensure that:

  • The principles, policies, and procedures of financial management are properly administered.
  • The requirement for review and modification of internal control procedures, financial management practices, and reporting systems are adequate.
  • The policy relating to the obligation and expenditure of public funds are adequate.

My formal education with a Bachelor of Business in Accounting and continuing training, such as Commercial Activities Cost Analysis Training, Chief, Naval Education and Training and Practical Comptroller Course, Naval Post Graduate School has provided me with a well-rounded knowledge of federal and commercial financial management systems and procedures.

2. Knowledge of government contracting laws, as well as the administration of contracts, acquisition planning and price/cost analysis.

As ARO Director, I manage an organization with a complex and changing mission along with competing priorities. I have been particularly successful in this responsibility by (1) interfacing with State and Local governments and industry on a variety of complex program and political issues; (2) managing an eleven-state regional office with the responsibility for awarding, administering and monitoring multimillion-dollar programs comprising both federal appropriated and oil overcharge funds; and (3) serving on special effort task forces which focus on national issues.

The ARO uses various acquisition tools to accomplish its mission, such as (1) federal financial assistance (grants), (2) contracts, (3) cooperative agreements, and (4) small purchases to include purchase orders and the government impact (credit) card. During FY2001, the Atlanta Regional Office issued about 200 grants and cooperative agreements, valued at about $28 million within the region and processed 214 small purchase transactions valued at $457 thousand. There are over 126 active grants and cooperative agreements under the cognizance of ARO, which also has responsibility for over 400 financial assistance awards. Under my leadership, ARO employees maintain contracting officer responsibilities (COR) for the contracts or cooperative agreements under the cognizance of the office.

During my tenure at the Savannah River Operations Office, I served extended periods as Director for the: (1) Personnel and Management Evaluation Division and (2) Financial Management and Program Support Division. I was responsible for managing (1) federal personnel, (2) contractor industrial relations (including labour relations), (3) site telecommunications, (4) management evaluation, (5) finance and accounting, (6) budget, and (7) information resource management (ADP). Because of the extended periods, I served in these positions, I had the opportunity to become familiar with DOE orders, General Service Administration regulations, Office of Personnel Management guidance, and federal statutes relative to each functional area.

As Chief, Finance and Accounting Branch, I was responsible for managing the site-wide financial management activities. This included (1) accounting analysis, (2) liaison and control, and (3) contract finance. These responsibilities encompassed the management of the Savannah River Operations office financial activities of both government and contractor operations, including functional areas such as cost and financial analysis and reporting, cost studies, project and product construction and process, product pricing, contractor overhead, pensions, banking, insurance, portfolio management, travel and payroll.

With limited personnel resources, I successfully managed these responsibilities. This was accomplished by managing the existing staff, but also included developing and maintaining favourable relationships with support service and management and operating contractor personnel. In addition, I had the responsibility for audit liaison with the Defense Contract Audit Agency, the cognizant audit agency for the contracts under the responsibility of the Savannah River Operations office. I participated in reviews and negotiations to determine provisional and actual overhead rates.

In addition to my formal education, my experience in government acquisition and contract administration and is supported by training in Contract Administration for Technical Representatives, DOE; Navy Systems Acquisition Management Course, Career Development Institute; and Shared Energy Savings Contracting, DOE.

3. Knowledge of long term, high-risk energy efficiency and renewable energy technology research and regulation programs which enhance market transformation.

As ARO Director, my primary responsibility is to promote the adoption of cost-effective, renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices. I personally direct and manage energy efficiency programs as they relate to deployment activities that are designed to enhance market transformation and provide increased options for consumer choice. The ARO provides technology transfer, information, and technical assistance to state and local governments, universities and industries throughout the region. Some specific examples of this type of activity are:

  • The establishment of a distributed energy resources task force which consisted of program managers from biomass, Federal Energy Management Program, solar, photovoltaics, and wind programs to coordinate distributed energy resource activities in the Region.
  • The evaluation of a Fuel Cell Power (1.2 MW) system for the Internal Revenue Service Center in Chamblee, Georgia, which required the use of a Federal Energy Management Program Super energy savings performance contract for 6 each, 200kW phosphoric acid fuel cell modules for baseload and emergency power source for mission-critical Internal Revenue Service operations.
  • The development of a detailed inventory of Biomass projects in the South. Atlanta Regional Office staff monitor these projects and work towards keeping them viable in order to serve as demonstrations for others considering Biomass as an alternative fuel technology.
  • The sponsorship of a “Windpowering the Southeast” workshop in Knoxville in partnership with Tennessee Valley Authority and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. A Southeast Wind Working Group was established as a direct result of the workshop. In addition, Puerto Rico is pursuing wind farm development on the island of Culebra with State Energy Program Special Project grant funds.
  • The achievement of the designation of Triangle J Clean Cities Coalition as 80th DOE Clean Cities. In addition, the office is working with Clean Cities Coalitions in Birmingham, Macon/Warner Robins, Charlotte, and Columbia, in preparation for their application for the Department’s Clean Cities designation.
  • The successfully managed and executed the Florida Solar Weatherization Assistance program grant award and the installation of solar hot water heaters on low-income housing.
  • The assistance to the National Park Service in upgrading energy systems and installing renewables at Ft. Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site, Ft. Sumter, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Mammoth Cave, Blue Ridge Parkway, Gulf National Seashore, and several other park sites.
  • The development of water-saving projects with federal agencies throughout the Southeast while conducting workshops, seminars and training for critical water savings programs, establishing projects designed to significantly reduce water consumption and dramatically increase efficient water use.

My knowledge of this technical requirement is supplemented by training in Natural Gas Policies and Potential in the US, Gas Daily, and Demand Side Management and the Global Environment, Electric Power Research Institute/Edison Electric Institute.

Good luck with the Field Office Director MTQ resume sample.

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