General Manager Automotive Resume Sample

April 17, 2023 0 Comments

This reverse chronological resume format lists job experience starting with your most recent position and ending with your first job. Is widely accepted and is applicable to most job seekers. The reverse chronological order resumes are easy to read and can highlight career growth.

This format suit those whose career goals are clearly defined and whose job objectives align with their work history. Check the reverse chronological resume advantages & disadvantages. The reverse chronological order resume format is preferred by most job recruiters.

In addition, you may search for resume samples by industry or by career situation and enhance your resume with keywords by industry.


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Management professional with 12 years of experience in the automobile dealership industry, including general management, finance and production management, and general sales management. Background includes the establishment of programs to increase sales, improve productivity, reduce costs, and enhance customer relations. Secure a higher penetration for finance products, including warranties, credit life, disability, and finance interest rates. Earned a master’s degree in finance.
Maxwell Management, Houston, Texas
1997 – Present
General Manager
Manage operations of this car dealership that produces $12 million in sales. Supervise 185 employees, including 16 managers in finance, sales, leasing, fleet services, body shop, service, human resources, and the office.
• Achieved a 30% growth in sales of both new and used vehicles.
• Increased warranty penetration from 55% to 75%, achieving 107% of plan.
• Installed a telemarketing room with 20 telephones: developed outline for follow-up calls and utilized sales staff, scheduled on a rotating basis for one hour each day.
• Oversaw and reduced advertising costs and restructured the entire program with both print and electronic media.
• Established a strong sales training program.
Highland Corporation, Houston, Texas
1994 – 1997
Finance and Production Manager
Managed all operations of a $5 million finance department for new and used vehicles at 9 car dealerships.
• Increased productivity for the finance department and brought clarity to the situation without losing profitability.
• Grew the department from $3.7 million to $5 million, achieving 125% of the plan.
• Introduced presentations for warranty, credit life, disability, and finance interest rates.
• Improved average income per retail from $1,185 to $1,985.
Baker and Baker, Inc., Houston, Texas
1987 – 1994
General Sales Manager
Managed all activities of the sales department, with responsibility for developing the sales strategy.
• Grew sales from $4.2 million to $5.76, achieving 106% of the plan.
• Originally hired as a sales representative (1987 to 1988), promoted to Finance Manager (1988 to 1990), promoted to Sales Manager (1990 to 1992), and then General Sales Manager.
Dillard University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Masters, Finance
San Jose State University, San Jose, California
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Dale Carnegie – School of Management

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