50+ Insightful Productivity Statistics and Trends [2024]

November 20, 2023 0 Comments

Are you still stuck working on a task for 3 days that can easily be completed in 8 hours?

Now think hard and analyze, were you really working while sitting at your desk with all the resources? How many times were you distracted and couldn’t get back to work for hours? Where were you mentally?

So, were you productive? The same goes for every employee and employer. 

An average employee is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes daily. It is approximately 31% of an 8-hour long work day.

Though overall productivity has increased by 5% since the pandemic in the US, with too many distractions around, people are still struggling to focus on the task at hand. 

Here we have revealed insightful Productivity Statistics to help you get a hold over workspace productivity and boost your efficiency.

Top Productivity Statistics: Editor’s Pick

overall productivity increased since the pandemic
  1. Luxembourg is the most productive country in the world. [1]
  2. An average employee is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes daily. It is approximately 31% of an 8-hour long work day. [2]
  3. Employers lose 24 billion hours every year to unproductive meetings. [17]
  4. 65% of people feel more productive during holidays. [14]
  5. 83% of employees reported needing an office to be productive. [2]
  6. An average employee is distracted every 3 minutes while working. [2]
  7. Freelancers spend 36 productive hours per week making them the most efficient employees. [2]
  8. 41% of employees feel that stress negatively impacts their productivity. [7]
  9. Sleep-deprived employees cost $63 billion a year. [15]
  10. The productivity management software market is supposed to grow by 13.8% from 2022 to 2030. [19]
  11. The most used digital tool by productive employees is email as suggested by 61%. [19]
  12. Internet and software enhance employee productivity by 54%. [19]
  13. Multitasking can reduce productivity by 40%. [12]

Workplace Productivity Statistics

Long working hours are not equal to productivity. 

Are you actually working in those hours? Statistics say otherwise.

An office employee is productive for only 2 hours and 53 minutes daily. Only 31% of an average 8hour workday. [2]

An average employee is distracted every 3 minutes while working. [2]

It takes approximately 24 minutes to refocus after a distraction. [6]

Employee engagement increases productivity. Engaged employees are 21% more productive. [6]

41% of workers blame stress for less productivity. [7]

Employees spend 32% of their time on social media costing employers $28 billion each year. [4]

Freelance workers are more productive than an average full-time employee. They are productive for up to 87% of their workday.[13]

average employee is distracted every 3 minutes while working

Let’s consider what Employees and Employers believe about Workplace Productivity:

Employee POV

What an employee thinks about productivity. Are they working less? Why?

  • A majority of the employees feel distracted throughout the working day.
  • Only 7% of employees feel productive in the Offices. [16]
  • 66% of employees reported they would feel more productive if they worked from home. [11]
  • Long commuting hours are a major reason for less productivity. 70% of employees feel stressed due to long travel hours. [7]
  • 69% of employees blame unnecessary office politics for less productivity and reason for distraction during working hours. [5]

Employer POV

How are employees affected by the situation? Are they productive themselves?

  • Employers lose 24 billion hours every year to unproductive meetings. [17]
  • Employees waste 2-5 hours every week on useless meetings and 4 hours prior to the meeting, preparing for it. [17]
  • The productivity of a company adds to the overall growth and performance of a company. [4]
  • Productive companies generate 40% more profits than others. [5]
  • Time-tracking software, wearable bands, and other technical tools help employees to increase productivity in the workspace. [19]

Work From Home Productivity Statistics

Do you think the cozy environment at home can motivate you to get up and work?

Unlike popular opinion, 66% of employees feel more productive working from home. [11]

Covid locked us in our homes, and now even after the pandemic is over, 52% of workers want to continue working from home. [11]

Overall productivity increased by 5% since the pandemic in the U.S. [11]

While 26% of employees claim remote work has increased their productivity because there is no commute, 82% of managers doubt remote worker’s productivity. [11]

AT&T remote workers are reported to work five hours more than their on-site colleagues per week.

83% of workers claim they do not have to work in an office to be productive. [11]

Heard fellow employees complaining about unpaid offs? 

Work from home system benefits companies in more than one way by saving employees time off for illness and other vacations.

Only one day per month of remote work increases employees’ happiness by 24%, enhancing their productivity and job satisfaction. [14]

Average Productivity Time

Are you wondering how much time employees actually work? What other activities do they do during working hours?

Here is what we found, in an 8-hour working day employees spend time doing:

Productively Working2 hours and 53 minutes
Reading News1 hour and 5 minutes
Social Media44 minutes
Discussing/ Fishing for a new task26 minutes
Snacks15 minutes

Freelancers spend 36 productive hours per week making them the most efficient employees. [2]

When it comes to complex jobs, top-performing employees go up as high as 800% efficiency.  They are talented employees with high-value skills and engagement. [9]

Too many distractions reduce productivity to only 2-3 hours per day. [2]

Employees are interrupted every 3 minutes. [2]

An average employee takes 23 minutes after distraction to get back on the task they started. [2]

Factors Affecting Productivity 

To increase productivity, we should be able to figure out the answer to the question, ‘What hinders Productivity?’

There are many factors that hurt workspace productivity. 

Go through the list we have laid out to figure out important factors that uncover why your employees are not productive:


  • Lack of proper communication between employers and employees is a major reason for the lack of productivity and motivation to work in a company. [18]
  • 80% of employees feel stressed because of ineffective company communication. [18]
  • 81% of employees work in teams. About half of the employees who work in teams (46%) find it difficult to adjust to different working styles. [18]

Happiness and Engagement

It is not surprising to know that happy and engaged employees are more productive at work and result in more profits.

Engaged employees resulted in an increased profit of 21%. [14]

Workspace Stress

  • 41% of employees feel stress negatively impacts their productivity. [7]
  • Over 70% of employees worry about stressors during working hours. [7]
  • Major stressors for employees are Job and Finances. 
  • Workplace stress costs employers approximately $500 billion. [7]
  • Time spent on stressors varies for employees based on engagement and their job value. [6]
  • 28% of employees spend less than an hour, 50% spend one to five hours, 16% spend five to ten hours, and 6% spend more than ten hours of their time every week worrying about their careers and money. [7
weekly time spent on distractions during working hours


Have you ever heard, ‘One trying to do everything, ends up doing nothing.’

Yes, this is brutally true for productivity too.

  • Multitasking can reduce productivity by 40%. [12]
  • 98% of employees are not capable of multitasking effectively. [12]
  • Continuously switching from one job to another is stressful and reduces productivity.

Other intruding factors

  • Social Media is a major distraction for most employees. 47% of employees admit to checking social media and negatively impacting productivity. [4]
  • Companies are losing $28 billion due to employees spending time on Facebook during working hours. [5]
  • Actively or inactively looking for other jobs. 
  • 54% of employees are reported to be distracted almost 2 hours per day and are not as effective as they should be due to no specific reasons. [9]
  • 16% of workers admit to always being mindlessly distracted and not performing their best. [9]

Impact of Technology on Productivity

While many blame technology and internal for creating distractions and reducing productivity, it also provides tools to increase productivity.

46% of employees reported an increase in productivity due to digital tool usage. [19]

The productivity management software market is supposed to grow by 13.8% from 2022 to 2030. [19]

The most used digital tool is email as suggested by 61%. [19]

Internet and software enhance employee productivity by 54%. [19]

world productivity based on internet usage for work

Global Productivity Statistics

As businesses around the world start to realize the importance of productivity and the profits more productive employees can bring to the table. Now they are more focused on working to improve productivity.

Here we have reviewed Global Productivity Statistics:

Luxembourg is the most productive country in the world. The average productivity per person per hour counts to $51.60. [1]

Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are the topmost countries with high productivity statistics. The major reason is their impeccable work-life balance. [3]

Scandinavian countries have 30 hours per week of work and give enough time to employees for rest and recharging. [10]

The Czech Republic had the lowest productivity statistics since 2019. The next in line is Mexico with 41.5%.  [10]

It is interesting to note that long work hours do not mean high productivity rates. Work-life balance does!

sleep-deprived employees cost $63 billion a year
  • Productivity losses related to fatigue cost $1,967 per employee annually. [4]
  • 50% of all work-related illnesses are a result of stress, depression, or anxiety globally. [3]
  • 79% of employees are suffering from mild, moderate, or severe work stress and burnout. And blame workload as a reason for reduced productivity. [12]
  • Replacing 2.5 hours of work per week with exercise can increase productivity. [9]
  • Healthy employees who eat fruits and proper nutrition increase job performance by 25%. [9]
  • 65% of employees feel more productive during the holidays. [14]
  • 91% of workers daydream during meetings. [17]
  • Even most productive workers do not work eight hours per day. [9]
  • Highly engaged employees are 2x more productive than others. [6]
  • One-third of US workers are not getting enough sleep. [15]
  • Sleep-deprived employees cost $63 billion a year. [15]
  • One-fifth of happy employees tend to be productive employees. [14]
  • 38% of employees complain about qualified staff shortages. [8]
  • US companies spend $37 billion in salaries for meetings that add nothing to engagement and productivity. [5]

FAQs about Productivity

Which countries have the highest and lowest productivity rates?

Luxembourg is the world’s most productive country. The average workweek in Luxembourg is 30 hours. They are mainly focused on work-life balance.

The Czech Republic had the lowest productivity statistics since 2019. The next in line is Mexico with 41.5%. Mexico has ranked among the lowest in productivity statistics for a long time. The average productivity is as low as $18.5 GDP.

How productive is America’s Workforce?

An average American worker is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes daily. That is 31% of the average 8-hour work day. Only 7% of employees feel productive in the workplace. 

Productivity in the US has overall increased by 61.8%.

How do you calculate productivity?

Productivity is calculated by dividing the outcome by input or resources used. To calculate employee productivity, divide the total units produced or work completed by the total hours worked or the cost of those hours.

Does stress hurt an employee’s productivity?

Yes, stress is a major factor affecting workspace productivity. 41% of employees feel stress negatively impacts their productivity.

When an employee is stressed they find it difficult to focus on work. Common stressors include job, finance, health, and family well-being. 70% of employees are stressed while working. 

28% of employees spend less than an hour, 50% spend one to five hours, 16% spend five to ten hours, and 6% spend more than ten hours of their time every week worrying about their careers and money.

Which major factors affect productivity?

Lack of effective communication, engagement, workspace stress, employee happiness, and Multitasking are the major factors affecting productivity. 

Other distractions like social media, long smoke or snack breaks, other irrelevant activities, and discussions also affect productivity

Social Media is a major distraction for most employees. 47% of employees admit to checking social media and impacting productivity. Companies are losing $28 billion due to employees spending time on Facebook during working hours.

Employees’ actively or inactively looking for other jobs also negatively impacts their productivity at their current jobs. 


Productivity Statistics reveal that an average employee is productive for 31% of the time during an 8-hour work day. There has been a significant increase in productivity in the past few years.

While employers believe that remote workers are not as productive as on-site employees, the data says surprisingly opposite. 66% of employees feel more productive working from home. 

Many factors impact productivity, like unnecessary meetings, long commute hours, lack of sleep, stress, and work overload. Nowadays employees are mostly distracted by social media. Businesses lose billions to these distractions.

Studies suggest that rather than increasing working hours, employers need to shorten them and provide timely holidays and nourished food to enhance productivity. As happy and engaged employees tend to be more productive.


  1. Expert Market. These Were The World’s Most Productive Countries in 2023
  2. Vouchercloud. How Many Productive Hours in a Work Day? Just 2 Hours, 23 Minutes
  3. DeskTime. The top 10 most productive countries in 2022
  4. Global Workplace Analytics. Costs and Benefits
  5. US Bureau of Labour Statistics. Productivity and Costs
  6. Gallup. Employee Engagement on the Rise in the U.S.
  7. Colonial Life. Stressed workers cost employers billions
  8. Mckinsey. Attracting and retaining the right talent
  9. Inc. In an 8-Hour Day, the Average Worker Is Productive for This Many Hours
  10. Replicon. The Scandinavian Way: How to Apply the “Less Work, More Productivity” Mindset to Meeting Your Goals
  11. EmailAnalytics. 15 Working From Home Productivity Statistics
  12. Atlassian. You waste a lot of time at work.
  13. Yahoo!Finance. Freelancers work more hours than the average American does.
  14. Forbes. Promoting Employee Happiness Benefits Everyone
  15. The Wall Street Journal. Go Ahead, Hit the Snooze Button
  16. Forbes. Report: Only 7% Of Workers Feel Productive During Regular Work Hours.
  17. Doodle. The State of Meetings 2019.
  18. Marlin. The Hidden Costs of Employee Miscommunication.
  19. Techradar. pro. Best productivity tools of 2021.