Restaurant Social Media Statistics: Facts and Trends [2024]

July 22, 2024 0 Comments

Platform Popularity and Usage

  1. Facebook Dominance: “91% of restaurants market themselves on Facebook.”
  2. Instagram Impact: “60% of restaurants using Instagram see a spike in reservations.”
  3. Pinterest and Instagram Traffic: “Visual platforms can boost restaurant traffic by 30%.”
  4. General Social Media Following: “57% of social media users follow at least one restaurant.”

Customer Engagement and Behavior

  1. New Customer Acquisition: “40% of restaurants attract new customers through social media promotions.”
  2. Customer Visits from Social Media: “70% of consumers visit restaurants based on social media recommendations.”
  3. Influence of Online Reviews: “77% of diners are swayed by online reviews when choosing a restaurant.”
  4. Trust in Online Reviews: “72% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.”
  5. Millennials’ Dining Decisions: “66% of millennials use social media to decide where to eat.”

Content and Interaction

  1. Event and Special Announcements: “60% of restaurants share event and special updates on social media weekly.”
  2. Photo Engagement: “Food photos can boost a restaurant’s engagement rate by up to 60%.”
  3. Video Content: “Restaurants using video content see 88% more time spent on their social media profiles.”
  4. User-Generated Content: “Customer photos can enhance a restaurant’s credibility by 30%.”

Sales and Marketing Effectiveness

  1. Sales Increase: “Restaurants with active social media profiles enjoy 5-10% higher annual sales.”
  2. Customer Satisfaction: “Responding to social media comments and reviews increases customer satisfaction by 25%.”
  3. Customer Retention: “Active social media engagement leads to a 20% rise in customer retention.”
  4. Marketing Cruciality: “85% of restaurant owners find social media vital for marketing.”

Technology and Tools

  1. Management Tools: “82% of restaurant marketers consider social media management tools essential.”

Search and Mobile Behavior

  1. Quick Decision Making: “90% of mobile users make dining decisions within 24 hours of searching for restaurants.”

Photo Trends

  1. Food Photography: “Almost 50% of US diners snap photos of their food for social media.”