40+ Women in Leadership Statistics & Trends [2024]

January 22, 2024 0 Comments

Ever wondered why female leaders matter in today’s progressive world? 

What distinct viewpoints do they offer? 

Do their voices have the solution to discovering fresh realms of success and teamwork? 

Let’s dive into the ‘why,’ ‘how,’ and ‘what’ behind the integral contribution of women in crafting the dynamic evolution of leadership narratives.

Top Women in Leadership Statistics – Editor’s Choice

  • In 2021, women comprised 40% of managerial roles in the US. [1]
  • 39% of women in supervisory and professional positions are currently earning more than their husbands. [1]
  • 49 women have held the position of chief executive in 32 states across America. [2]
  • 32% of individuals holding the position of vice president are women. [2]
  • 24% of women worldwide occupy the position of CEO. [3]
  • In the largest tech companies, women occupy 20% of executive positions. [1]
  • Sweden takes the lead with the highest representation of women in leadership at 37%. [4]
  • Women account for 24% of executive-level roles in the C-suite. [4]
  • 75% of women aim to become high-ranking officials. [5]
  • Over the past 15 years, women have been earning 84% of men’s total earnings. [5]

Why Are Female Leaders Important?

businesses led by woman are 30% more likely to surpass competitors

Female leaders are fundamental contributors to the present-day world, overcoming obstacles and offering multiple outlooks. 

Their collaborative decision-making cultivates revitalization, while their empowering roles defy stereotypes and create opportunities for upcoming leaders. 

Acknowledging the significance of female leadership not only promotes gender equality but also guarantees a more robust, diverse, and sustainable future.

  • Businesses with women in executive roles have a 30% higher likelihood of surpassing other companies. [6]
  • In 2020, companies with at least one female founder raised 21% of venture capital funding globally. [6]
  • Having at least 30% of women in leadership positions leads to a 15% increase in profitability. [6]
  • Organisations with more gender inclusivity are 25% more probable to have above-average profitability. [1]
  • Startups founded by women generated 10% more in cumulative revenue over a 5 year period. [1]
  • Companies led by women have much more gender-balanced boards (34%) than those led by men (6%). [3]
  • Companies with female Chairman have up to 60% women in leadership roles, compared to just 27% with male Chairs. [2]

Are Leadership Opportunities Balanced Across Genders?

It is crucial to ensure both men and women have equal chances to assume authority positions. 

Breaking traditional barriers, promoting diversity, and recognizing a variety of skills are essential for advancing. 

Aspiring to achieve fair leadership not only fosters gender equality but also boosts creativity and adaptability.

  • 44% of women feel they have fewer prospects than men for career progression.
  • Female CEOs are 45% more prone to be terminated. [1]
  • 78% of major corporations acknowledged having a gender pay gap in the tech industry. [7]
  • 87 women faced promotion for every 100 men in 2023. [7]
  • Women are 14% less likely to be promoted compared to their male coworkers. [8]
  • Women hold 35% of senior leadership positions while men represent 65% of all leadership positions. [8]
  • Women in executive positions earn 76 cents for every dollar a man in the same rank makes. [8]
  • 36% of women have been interrupted, compared to just 15% of men in the same positions. [8]

Has There Been an Improvement in the Representation of Female Leaders?

Over the years, initiatives promoting inclusivity have contributed to a more equitable and varied workforce.

Despite persistent challenges, these improvements signify a positive path ahead to create environments conducive to the flourishing of individuals, irrespective of gender.

  • 39% of women in supervisory and professional positions are currently earning more than their husbands. [8]
  • The proportion of women involved in management teams has increased by 25% since 2006. [8]
  • Since 2016, the presence of women in AI has witnessed a 17% rise. [3]
  • Since 2015, the representation of women in the C-suite has risen from 17% to 28%. [2]
  • In 2021, the number of female CEOs in Fortune 500 companies reached a record high of 41. [4]
  • The percentage of US representatives increased from 2.3% in 1965 to 28% in 2023. [6]
  • In 1975, 2% of state governors were women while in 2023, 18% of state governors were women. [8]
  • Women-led businesses achieved a 3% greater return on equity than those led by men. [2]
  • Senior management roles for women grew from 29% to 31% in 2021. [5]
  • 90% of companies have at least one woman in a leadership position compared to 66% in 2017. [5]

Is There an Underrepresentation of Minority Women in Leadership?

only 5% of all female executives are women of color

Racial and gender stereotypes, along with limited access to opportunities, contribute to the underrepresentation of minority women. 

Addressing the unique perspectives of minority women not only improves efficiency but also contributes to a more equitable society. 

Creating inclusive environments that empower all individuals, regardless of gender or ethnicity, is crucial for bridging this gap.

  • Women of colour hold only 4.6% of board seats in Fortune 500 companies in the US. [2]
  • In 2020, women of colour occupied only 18% of C-suite positions. [2]
  • Zero Black or Indian American women serve in the US senate. [1]
  • Less than 1% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women of colour. [1]
  • Of all C-suite leaders, only 3% are women of colour, compared to 20% white women. [8]
  • Women of colour are least represented in positions like managers (12%), senior managers (9%), VPs (7%), and SVPs (5%). [8]
  • Only 2% of women in board-level positions are Asian. [2] 
  • Only 5% of all female executives are women of colour. [2]


Why is gender diversity in leadership important?

Gender diversity in leadership brings a variety of perspectives, fosters creativity, and improves decision-making. It also reflects the diverse workforce and customer base, contributing to a more inclusive and innovative work environment.

What are some common challenges women face in leadership roles?

Women in leadership roles may face challenges such as gender bias, stereotypes, unequal opportunities, and a lack of representation. Balancing work and family responsibilities can also be a significant challenge.

Are there benefits to having women in leadership roles?

Yes, there are numerous benefits to having women in leadership roles. Research suggests that diverse leadership teams lead to better financial performance, increased innovation, and improved employee satisfaction.

How can women overcome gender stereotypes in leadership?

Women can overcome gender stereotypes by showcasing their skills and achievements, seeking mentorship, and challenging stereotypes through their actions. Organisations also play a role by promoting inclusivity and addressing biases.

Is progress being made in achieving gender equality in leadership?

Progress is being made, but there is still work to be done. Organisations and societies are increasingly recognizing the importance of gender diversity, but efforts to address systemic barriers and biases must continue for true equality.


The trajectory toward gender equality in leadership is progressing, with increasing recognition of women’s valuable contributions. Organisations embracing diversity are creating more opportunities for women in leadership roles. By challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity, we pave the way for innovation and success.


  1. Gitnux. Women In Leadership Statistics [Fresh Research]
  2. Pew Research. The Data on Women Leaders
  3. MyShortLister. Women in Leadersip
  4. LinkedIn. Path to Partner
  5. McKinsey. More women needed in leadership roles
  6. Zippia. 23 Women In Leadership Statistics [2023]
  7. Tech Informed. Women in Leadership: The Key Facts
  8. MIT Professional Education.  The Gender Gap in STEM: Still Gaping in 2023